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Project Updates, and Call for Devs

Finally, I've moved from my home CVS server to the super awesome SourceForge.Net cvs server in order to support multiple developers. That means the most bleeding edge stuff will be in CVS. Check that before the nightly tarball.

As for the progress, due to some personal issues, the project took a slight developmental hit. However, I'm starting to resume my duties, and will be able to provide more frequent updates, and even a new feature (it's a secret...but you'll like it...believe me). That's all for now, folks -Aaron

Grooves Updated with more cool stuff!!!

Houston, we have session creation! I can't quite get searching working...currently, iTMS just closes the connection. Perhaps I'll emulate the real iTunes client more by following the storefront requests (actually, with the modular HTTP stuff, it shouldn't be too difficult to follow). I want to eventually get a neat-o web browser front end like geko or even something terrible like dillo as a widget so I can display the real front end that Apple wants you all to see. Even more updates to follow in the comming days/weeks/months. -Aaron

Grooves Updated with some cool new stuff

K, I made some updates to the latest tar.bz2, and added the initial session underpinnings. I'll put a link to the latest stuff on the sidebar. :D Hopefully people start getting interested in this, otherwise it'll just be me doing my own thing for myself, which isn't as cool. More updates to follow in the comming days/weeks/months. -Aaron

Grooves Alpha Begins

Grooves. That's right. Grooves. A GTK+ linux based iTunes store client. Since I just started working on it this week, there's not much available. Just a basic shell of a GUI and some awesomely good utilities in code. If anyone wants to help develop, send me some email at apconole [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Want to download it and get crackalackin'? Here is where you can find the latest grooves version. Want an MD5 sum to go with? No problemo. Always happy to help :D

Expect more to come in the next few weeks. Hopefully by next week, I'll have the basics (IE: being able to log in, search, and purchase music). Eventually, I'm looking to also have a patch available for GTKPod, allowing it to go to the iTunes store as well. That'd be schweet.

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